Monday, November 19, 2012

My Favorite Projects

1. My favorite project was the Spirit Week poster.  It came out looking even better than I had expected, and I had a lot of fun putting it together and experimenting with various opacities.

2. My second-favorite project was the restored car.  I had never tried anything like it before, so it was a new and rather unique experience.  I also learned more about Photoshop's Bevel effect while making it, which turned out to be rather helpful later on in other projects.

3. My third-favorite project was the anti-cyberbullying poster.  Having witnessed cyberbullying myself, it was a rather important project to me.  Additionally, the poster came out exactly the way I had envisioned it in my head.

4. My fourth-favorite project was the Christopher Columbus Day poster, in which I learned how to use Photoshop's many filters to create an "aged paper" appearance.

5. My fifth-favorite project was the football Pink-Out poster.  It has a softer, blurred appearance that makes it a bit easier to look at (as opposed to sharp, contrasting lines of black on pink), and I like it.  On a side note, I tried to make the text slightly blurred as well, but eventually decided not to in order to keep it easily readable.  

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