Monday, November 19, 2012

My Favorite Projects

1. My favorite project was the Spirit Week poster.  It came out looking even better than I had expected, and I had a lot of fun putting it together and experimenting with various opacities.

2. My second-favorite project was the restored car.  I had never tried anything like it before, so it was a new and rather unique experience.  I also learned more about Photoshop's Bevel effect while making it, which turned out to be rather helpful later on in other projects.

3. My third-favorite project was the anti-cyberbullying poster.  Having witnessed cyberbullying myself, it was a rather important project to me.  Additionally, the poster came out exactly the way I had envisioned it in my head.

4. My fourth-favorite project was the Christopher Columbus Day poster, in which I learned how to use Photoshop's many filters to create an "aged paper" appearance.

5. My fifth-favorite project was the football Pink-Out poster.  It has a softer, blurred appearance that makes it a bit easier to look at (as opposed to sharp, contrasting lines of black on pink), and I like it.  On a side note, I tried to make the text slightly blurred as well, but eventually decided not to in order to keep it easily readable.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Digital Footprint Lab part 1

1. I have a small digital footprint.
2. I use Skype, a pair of gaming websites, and several forum websites for various projects.
3. Media plays a very important role in our lives.  It is one of our primary sources of information, and allows us to stay updated on events going on around the globe.  Additionally, we can use it to communicate with our friends and family no matter how far away they may be.  Finally, media is almost literally everywhere; it's being integrated into almost every aspect of our lives.  Therefore, many everyday tasks leave behind some sort of digital footprint.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Charlotte Movie Theater

1. The Eaton Theater is currently using 35mm film.

2. Many companies are switching to a non-film (digital) format, which will render many older projectors obsolete.  New projectors can be quite expensive, creating a problem for the Eaton Theater and others like it who might not have enough money to buy one.

3. Fox will definitely no longer be using film to create its movies.

4. Digital projectors are considered cost prohibitive because many smaller theaters simply don't have enough money to purchase them (even if it'll drive them out of business).

5. The digital equipment would cause the Eaton Theater to lose an upwards of twenty percent of its profits because of the high cost of each movie screening.

6. I think that the best thing for the Eaton Theater to do in this situation is to buy the digital projector because it's the only way for them to stay in business.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Creative Commons image

 I've learned that it's important to use fair-use images for projects.  If you don't, there is a chance (however slim it may be) that you could be sued or otherwise punished for using a copyright-protected image.  Fair-use images may be harder to find, but it'll be worth it when the image's owner doesn't come after you with a lawsuit.

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Baseball Card

Well, here's a baseball card that I made of myself:

